We use systems biology, computational modeling, and biomolecular engineering approaches
to understand, predict and control genetic communication in bacterial communities

Computational Biology

Combining mathematical models and biological experiments to understand bacteria


Leveraging NGS, RNAseq, and bioinformatics to gain mechanistic insights

Biomolecular Engineering

Designing genetic constructs to control bacterial interactions

Data Science & ML

Analyzing data with ML & AI techniques to predict and validate findings

What's Comp Bio?

We love STEM, and we want others to feel the same. Not entirely sure what Computational Biology is? Check out our YouTube Channel!

We're Taking Questions

Have questions about Computational Biology that you'd like us to discuss? Check out our YouTube page or email us!


Check out what's new with the lab!
  • Eisenbergy symposium

    Arthur presented his poster at the Eisenberg symposium as the lab's Eisenberg summer fellow!
  • Congrats to Heather and Varun for passing their qualifying exams!!

  • Excellence in Teaching

    Congrats to PhD student Varun for winning the ChE Excellence in Teaching award!!
  • Pi Day 2024

    The lab organized and led an interactive computational biology workshop with local Rochester city high school students in celebration of Pi Day! Students became microbiology forensic investigators and solved a Whodunnit?!: Bacterial bandit edition

  • Research Talk

    Varun gives a research talk at the University of Rochester AS&E Graduate Research Day 2023!

  • NIH R35

    The lab receives NIH R35 funding to study determinants of horizontal gene transfer in pathogens

  • Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. Foundation Research Award

    Dr. Lopatkin is thrilled to be a recipient of the Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. Foundation Research Award to study why certain pathogens pick up antibiotic resistance genes better than others!

  • Heather does the first experiment in the new lab!

  • Welcome to the lab!!

    To all the new members: Sai Varun Aduru, Heather Curtsinger, Wenqi Di, Habibul Islam, Yuchang Liu, Elizabeth Martin, welcome!

  • We moved to Rochester!! And lab Construction is officially underway

    The new lab in Gavett Hall is under construction! Here's a sneak peek...

  • Faculty News Feature

    Check out our lab's recent feature on the Barnard faculty news page!

  • SRI Feature!

    The lab was recently featured by Barnard in an SRI article- take a look to read about some of our members!

  • NIH Funding

    The lab is excited to recieve NIH funding in collaboration with the Smith lab at NSU to study metabolism and antibiotic resistance!

  • Mehrose @ NY B.I.G.

    Mehrose presents her work on drivers of plasmid acquisition costs at the NY B.I.G. conference!

  • Mehrose joins the lab!

    The lab is excited to welcome our research technician Mehrose to the group! Read about her work here!

  • New round of funding!

    The lab recieves its second federal funding from the NIH!